How to become a Sandplay Therapist?
To become a certified Sandplay Therapist, one has to:
Complete a personal psychotherapeutic sandplay process with a certified ISST member, for a minimum of 25 sandplay sessions.
Complete at least 100 hours of teaching by an ISST Teaching member and based on ISST standards.
Consultation/Supervision with certified ISST Teaching Member/s – a minimum of 80 hours, of which a minimum of 30 hours must be individual hours. Up to 50 hours can be in a group setting provided that the candidate presents his or her own material for at least 10 hours of the group sessions and the group is no larger than 10 participants (excluding the Teaching Member).
Approval of two preliminary papers, at least one of which must include clinical sandplay material.
Approval of the final case study by three ISST approved case-readers. The three readers must include at least one ISST approved case-reader from HKSTA. Exceptions will be made in exceptional circumstances.